Migrate 3 Node HA appliances to another location

We have a 3 Node HA appliance with external Database Tier as a separate 3 Node Percona XtraDB cluster. As a part of our DC migration, we need to migrate the Morpheus appliance too to the new DC location. For this migration, we are thinking something like:

  1. Stop the App services
  2. Take a VM clone of all 3 App VMs and DB VMs
  3. Bring up the cloned DB servers
  4. Make the IP/hostname changes in the morpheus.rb file for both the DB and App nodes
  5. Run a reconfigure in all 3 app nodes one at a time
  6. Start the app services, one node at a time and validate

Is this a reasonable approach or do you have any alternate/recommended approach for such migrations?
Does the DB/App nodes need a bootstrap when we start them up in the new location?

That should be fine. Make sure you update your NFS on your application nodes (if moving).

May want to think about rebuilding your DB at some point. Most of the XtraDB out there that I know of is MySQL 5.7 which has been EOL for ~1.5 years.

Thanks Chris!
We are already considering that. Any help/guidance on rebuilding XtraDB to MySQL 8 would be much appreciated.