Expiration Extension Permissions: Control over Extending Expire Date on Instances

Expiration Extension Permissions: Be able to control whether a user is able to extend an Expiration Date on Instances

For our customers, we would like to provide a catalog item that has a set expiration date that cannot be extended. Currently, the only way to do that is to force an approval through a policy and reject that approval. A few different ideas that would be nice to have:

  • Create an RBAC permission within roles that allows us to remove access to the ‘Extend Now’ button
  • Within Expiration Policies, have a setting to not allow Extensions at all which would remove the ‘Extend Now’ button.
    * Allow for Expiration Policies to be created against plans so that any instances created with that plan will have the hard expiration policy set against it
  • Allow for key to be added to spec in blueprint that will go along with “expireDays” key such as ‘“extensionsAllowed”: false’ that would restrict the ability to extend the expiration date