Unable to provision VM instance into Nutanix Prism Cloud


Instance provision is failed when I try to provision VM instance into Nutanix Prism Cloud, after added Nutanix Prism Cloud plugin.

Prism Cloud Plugin > Morpheus Marketplace
Morpheus version > 6.3.3.

Below is error messages from Morpheus.

Failed to create server - task error: [success:false, data:[status:FAILED, last_update_time:2024-01-18T02:23:46Z, error_detail:INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid Argument: 6 :Cannot assign IP address on an unmanaged network, logical_timestamp:2, entity_reference_list:[[kind:vm, uuid:929099c9-d46c-4ac8-b19d-62e756c1dd69]], start_time:2024-01-18T02:23:16Z, creation_time:2024-01-18T02:23:13Z, start_time_usecs:1705544596511399, cluster_reference:[kind:cluster, uuid:dc8bdc1c-ff59-4683-b9e1-9a552490360b], subtask_reference_list:[], completion_time:2024-01-18T02:23:46Z, creation_time_usecs:1705544593700847, progress_message:create_vm, operation_type:create_vm_intentful, completion_time_usecs:1705544626287552, error_code:400, percentage_complete:100, api_version:3.1, uuid:b7070063-1c19-4e9a-aade-089def406978]]

Appreciate for your feedback.


There’s a very high-level overview of the differences between a managed and unmanaged network in the context of Prism here:

Have you tested the selection of a managed network during provisioning?

I think this would be best handled in a support case because we may need full logs and other information that can’t/shouldn’t be posted publicly on the forum. Can you please raise a ticket via the support portal if you still need some assistance? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @Uthman_Eqbal for your feedback. I will raise a support case.

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