VM Provision Failed

Hi all!
I’m trying to provision VM through Morpheus. My Morpheus uses a community license and is integrated with vCloud Director. When I try to create a new instance I get this error during the provisioning process :

I checked and the VM is created but not turned on. Has anyone encountered this error and how to fix it? Thank You!

Hi please can you add some more information which may help.

Version of vCloud Director
Version of Morpheus
Morpheus image/instance type or a template of your own
Name of instance
Can the VM be started via vCloud Director or not

Hi, thanks for the reply. I have managed to fix the issue by unchecking the VM Guest Customization in the template in Virtual Image. After that, the VM was created but it took too long for the finalizing process to complete. So I went back to the docs and found out it was because the agent couldn’t be installed on the VM, so I unchecked the agent install but it still took about 1h for the VM to actually complete. Is there any reason for this? Also, please find the information below, thank you so much:

  1. vCloud Director 10.6(the latest version)
  2. Morpheus version 7.0.6 (latest)
  3. vCloud Director VM type
  4. The name I set is App1
  5. No it can’t
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Great to learn you got it working!

And, that’s interesting re the time to provision.

During proivisioning can you review the history tab of the instance or VM to see what phase it is performing, for example “Waitng for Network”, that may offer some clues as to where it is spending time.

Also are you performing any post provision operations, anything that may delay the machine being ready from a Morpheus perspective?

Hi, I went into the history and found out that the Finalizing process took about an hour and I don’t think I performed any post-provision operations since I didn’t config any operations like that :

Also, I went ahead and tried to provision a VM with Morpheus Agent on it. It succeeded this time but it still took about an hour to finalize the process like the VM without the agent. Any clue what is causing this? Thank you!

What are your Morpheus VM resources? I don’t think you could inventory enough to impact on the community license, but long finalize is usually indicative of a backed up RabbitMQ

Hi, my Morpheus VM resources are pulled from my company’s small private cloud using vCloud Director.

Sorry what are the VM specs / Configuration of the Morpheus VM specifically. How many vCPU/Mem/Storage (df -h)

Oh, its 1CPU, 512Mb Memory, 90Gb thin hard disk

I think the specs you gave are of the VM you are provisioning with Morpheus and not the Morpheus system itself. With that assumption, is it possible that RAM is too low? I know more modern Linux OS’s now require at least 1GB or RAM to be fully functional.

Hi, i tried lower the hard disk but couldnt because the orginal template is using 90Gb, i also increased the RAM but it still took about an hour to finish even though the VM can be login remotely after about 5mins and even after the provision finished on Morpheus it still couldnt pull the information about the VM( health,…) although the agent was request to be installed on the VM. Thank you!

Normally when the “Finalizing” step hangs it is due to the agent failing to install.

If you go under Provisioning > instances > your instance > summary > your-vm OR infrastructure > compute > your vm - you will see a spot for “Agent Version”. If this does not show a version it means the agent failed to install and is most likely the cause for the Finalizing taking so long.

For the agent to be installed the VM must be able to curl the Morpheus appliance.
To test, run "curl —k “https://hostname.your-domain.com/ping” on the VM and see if you get a “MORPHEUS PING” return.

To further test, you can try to install the agent manually to see if it succeeds. To do this, you must go back under the VM in Morpheus and then click Actions > “Download agent script”. It will be a curl command with the unique API key that is specific to that VM. This might give you a better idea of where the issue is.

You may also want to look at the cloud-init logs on the VM or the guest customization logs depending on what you have selected on the virtual image.

I would be interested to see the full config of the virtual image in Morpheus.