RHEL Core OS ISO support for Instance Provisioning for VMware Cloud

Hi Team,
We are using VMware Cloud via Morpheus. We have RHEL Core OS based ISO from the Red hat. We want to create VM / Instance from this ISO via Morpheus on VMware Cloud.

We tried and our observation was that; Morpheus was successfully able to Create VM from the ISO but guest customization was not happening meaning Morpheus was able to assign IP address from configured static IP pool. but IP and DNS not getting set at RHEL Core OS guest.

After discussion with support guys came to know that, Morpheus agent does not support RHEL Core OS as which is having ignition file and not the cloud init file.

Here request you guys to add support of RHEL Core OS in this use case.


Hi @akashpatel Could you please post this as an Idea


Hi @akashpatel ,

If you are utilizing an ISO there is no option for automated post configuration unless you are using the PXE Boot functionality.

Hi @aabraham converted this topic to Idea.
