Hello everyone! I’m trying to set up a ‘section’ using the Morpheus Plugin API. The idea is to have a component (helper, tag, or other options) that could be reused to define ‘sections’ somewhere, e.g. separating columns through sections in a CatalogItem.
Besides the open question how and where to close the ‘section’ in the HTML correctly, we have the problem that we don’t understand what predefined helper classes like ‘orderForm’ include. The following documentation only mentions the basic existence of ‘orderForm’:
A couple helper methods are registered such as the orderForm block which injects the order form data into the html render
What does the ‘orderForm’ helper include?
Where is it defined? How can it be analysed and understood?
Can it be parsed/modified?
Are there other helpers? If yes, is there a list or a documentation of these?
Okay. That means that additional content can be added after the form but the content provided by the orderForm helper itself can’t be modified or amended.