ConvertToManaged API should not convert the ESXi hypervisor to managed

One of our customers accidentally converted the ESXI hosts as managed Instances. They didn’t filter the GetHosts API for VMs and ran their automation on all hosts’ objects.
The customer wants to fix the ConvertToManaged API to disallow hosts that are of type ESXi host.

Hello @Reuben_Ur_Rahman,

I believe there can be use cases that an ESXi, as well as other hypervisor hosts, can be made managed to automate or maintain them with Morpheus. If they should or not would be debatable and the decision by the users/organization. As you mentioned, it would be best that the returned servers/hosts from the customer’s automation would filter the hypervisors, which would be my recommendation.

The Get All Hosts API endpoint has vm=true to help filter only the VMs from a particular cloud/zone/etc. That is what I utilize to scope the query.

You might create an Idea for additional endpoints that only return a specific type, which can be fed to the ConvertToManaged endpoint, if you feel it helps be a safeguard. Or a convert to managed endpoint that only accepts VMs or that is the default.

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