AWX tower Integration

Hi Team,
We have 2 integrations of AWX tower. One AWX version is 17.10(Ansible Version: 2.9.18) and another AWX version is 22.3.0

When we create tasks of Job templates from AWX version of 17.10 the tasks are fine and able to view all the details

whereas when we add a Tower Job from AWX version of 22.3.0 we are unable to view the details such as job template name, inventory etc post saving the tasks

The integration status is ok in the administration->integration page.
What could possible be causing this issue.

Are you seeing any errors under Administration > Health > Morpheus Logs?

We’re getting this error under the logs

That error looks to be in regards to your google cloud. In the error you can see its hitting google api endpoint: google.api.client.auth

You may want to look at putting in a support ticket if this is a urgent issue.

We have our AWX in our local network same as morpheus
There are no logs related to AWX under health.

The above issue is with GCP which is not of the current concern