vCloud Director - Preparing a RHEL 9 image template

The following steps will show you how to prepare RHEL9 image to provision to VCD cloud.

1 . Prepare a VM in VCD and boot with RHEL9 ISO.

2 . Setup the items marked with exclamation mark below:

3 . Configure the Disk

4 . Network (using DHCP in this example)

5 . Setup root password (Check ‘Allow root SSH login with password’)

6 . Connect to Red Hat

7 . Software selection (choose as required).

8 . Click ‘Begin the installation’.
9 . Once the installation is completed, Reboot the VM.
10 . Logon to the VM with the root password.
11 . Run the following commands:

a.	yum update
b.	yum install perl
c.	yum install open-vm-tools
d.	yum install NetworkManager-initscripts-updown

12 . Edit the following file:


13 . Set ‘PasswordAuthentication yes’ and save.

14 . Check the following file and set ‘PermitRootLogin yes’ if set to ‘no’


15 . Shutdown the VM.

16 . Remove any attached media.

17 . Convert to template

18 . In Morpheus, run a cloud sync on the integrated VCD cloud.

19 . After the cloud sync edit the synced image we’ve just created as shown below:

a. Check ‘VMware Guest Customization’.
b. Check ‘Install Agent’.
c. Specify the existing root user and password on the image

20 . Edit the integrated VCD cloud in Morpheus and set the Agent Install Mode to ‘Cloud Init / Unattend, if not already set.’

(This is important if you require Morpheus to create users on the provisioned instance during deployment)


Nice work Waqas!