Variables passed to terraform are not always substituted

I have this piece of code (taken from the examples basically):

locals {
  default_tags = {
    provisionedby      = "<%=username%>"
    environment        = "<%=customOptions.environment%>"
    ManagementTool     = "Terraform"
    ManagementPlatform = "Morpheus"

Nothing gets substituted on the plan stage and later, VM gets created with tags that literally have <%=username%> as value

At same time this piece of code:

variable "prefix" {
  description = "The prefix which should be used for all resources in this example"
  default     = "<%=instance.hostname%>"

variable "location" {
  description = "The Azure Location (Region) in which all resources in this example should be created."
  default     = "<%=customOptions.location%>"

works fine, variables are substituted correctly.

Using Morpheus 6.0.1

I believe I’ve only seen username utilized for naming policies (could work elsewhere situationally). Have you tried the following variables?

  1. <%=instance.createdByUsername%>
  2. <%=user.username%>
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Still same problem, plan I get:

      + tags                          = {
          + "ManagementPlatform" = "Morpheus"
          + "ManagementTool"     = "Terraform"
          + "environment"        = "<%=customOptions.environment%>"
          + "owner"              = "<%=user.username%>"
          + "provisionedby"      = "<%=instance.createdByUsername%>"

code I have (in git repo):

locals {
  default_tags = {
    owner = "<%=user.username%>"
    provisionedby      = "<%=instance.createdByUsername%>"
    environment        = "<%=customOptions.environment%>"
    ManagementTool     = "Terraform"
    ManagementPlatform = "Morpheus"

How are you deploying this currently? Is this a Terraform App Blueprint? Terraform Spec Instance? Or a Morpheus App Blueprint with 1 or more Terraform Spec Instances select? (Confusing I know :slight_smile: )

It’s instance from spec template

I did some testing in 6.1.2 and it seems to be working for me. Not sure if this is an issue with 6.0.1 or something else. I did look through the release notes and not finding anything that looks related to this. Unfortunately i don’t have a 6.0.1 running to quickly test against.

Using your locals example below both the user variable examples produce the desired results.

locals {
default_tags = {
owner = “<%=instance.createdByUsername%>”
provisionedby = “<%=username%>”
#environment = “<%=customOptions.environment%>”
ManagementTool = “Terraform”
ManagementPlatform = “Morpheus”

My tags definition on the resource using these tags looks like this.

tags = merge(
mytest = var.mytest

The above worked using both the user variables. Here is the output from the Instance provision plan

Thanks for trying! We’ll update and see if this fixed it.

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Updated to 6.2.0
Problem remains unfortunately

I wanted to capture screenshot of terraform plan, but now instance creation is completely broken. I’m getting this error:

Error! prepare instance error: Cannot get property 'output' on null object

It worked once after upgrade.

I created support case 71527