Unable to configure the community edition license

Hello Team,
I have followed the below link to install the community edition and offline package. After the installation and login are completed, we are still seeing the message “No License Currently Installed!”
Please let us know if there is any solution to apply the community license manually.

Package: morpheus-appliance-supplemental-6.0.4-1.noarch.rpm
Link: https://morpheusdata.com/wp-content/uploads/content/Morpheus-Data-Community-Guide-May-2020.pdf

Is your community edition environment unable to reach the internet? Typically that is the only situation you install an offline package.

Due to a few errors while installation the online package, we have used the offline package to complete the installation.
But the license is not getting updated, after the offline installation is completed.

Helped generate a new community license. :slight_smile:

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your quick response and for providing the solution.