I want to create a custom virtual image for Nutanix platform but I am not sure in which format I should upload the image. Nutanix supports QCOW2, VHD, ISO, VMDK etc. formats but If I upload OVA file it does not get detected in the Node type. Is there any specific way to prepare the virtual image for nutanix platform.
Hello @ranujain is your Nutanix cloud running AHV or ESXI?
If you are using AHV as your underlying hypervisor, I recommend using the QCOW2 type for your virtual image type as the VMDK will need to be converted into QCOW2 prior to deploying it to AHV.
The image will need to have the VirtIO drivers installed, for Linux workloads we recommend installing cloud-init and for Windows we recommend running a Sysprep with the generalize option after the operating system has been updated and then converted to a template.
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Hi @alipscombe
Thank you for the info. I am using AHV hypervisor. I will use QCOW2 format and use sysprep option while uploading the inage.
@alipscombe : Hi Adam
If i am using ESXi as a hypervisor, then I will have to use OVF/VMDK image format ? Also we can follow the same steps to prepare the Images for Nutanix platform using below link & install VirtIOS drivers ?
Hello @ranujain
If the underlying hypervisor is ESXi then you can follow our documentation on creating virtual machine templates for VMware. Morpheus will discover the template during a cloud sync so do not need to export the virtual machine template from vCenter.
We do not have any documentation published for creating virtual machine templates on the Nutanix AHV if you raise a case with the support team iām sure we can get something published. its worth noting most linux distrubutions offer a QCOW2/RAW images for a base operating system which includes virtio drivers and cloud-init perconfigured which can be used with Nutanix AHV.
Please see the offical ubuntu website for an example Cloud images introduction | Ubuntu
Hello Again @ranujain
It seems @wabbas has written a community post on creating a virtual machine template for Nutanix AHV please see: Create Ubuntu (2204) image on Nutanix Element to use with Morpheus