Not able to access the catalog from Provissioning and catalog person from a Tenant


We have bunch of catlog items and we are able to access them from all the tenants except one tenant.

When we inpersonate to Tenant and go to Provision → catalog Or go to Provison catalog persona getting the below error

also i am not able to access it from API as well
https://url/api/catalog throwing this error

“success”: false,
“msg”: “Looks like the server threw a gasket”

Enabled the trace and not able to find anything… may be i need to check the DataBase to delete some null ID? Do you know which table i need to look for?

RROR c.m.p.CatalogController - error loading catalog index: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property ‘workflowId’ on null object
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property ‘workflowId’ on null object