Morpheus CyberArk Conjur Cypher & Trust Plugin


I have created a video tutorial for the Morpheus CyberArk Conjur Plugin here: conjurplugintutorial.mp4 - Droplr
Please excuse my voice, as I am currently recovering from a cold :slight_smile:

As discussed in the video I am using version 1.2.0 of the Plugin, which is currently not available on share (Morpheus Marketplace)

1.2.0 fixes a couple of issues present in version 1.1.0.

You can view the changes in 1.2.0 in my forked repository here: GitHub - cpdtaylor/morpheus-cyberark-plugin: A plugin that provides credential storage and secret access from cypher via cyberark conjur.. A pull request back to the main repository is currently pending.

You can download a compiled JAR of version 1.2.0 here: - Droplr




I have pushed a few more fixes into version 1.2.1.
This primarily fixes an issue with URL encodings when using usernames with a URL encoded “/”.

Zipped JAR for 1.2.1 can be found here: - Droplr

Version 1.2.1 is also now available on share: Morpheus Marketplace

Hello Chris, I’m facing issue and need your help

root@hpe-vm-ubuntu-002:~/conjur-quickstart# docker compose exec client conjur login -i Dave@BotApp
? Please enter your password (it will not be echoed): ******************************************************
Logged in

root@hpe-vm-ubuntu-002:~/conjur-quickstart# docker compose exec client conjur whoami
  "client_ip": "",
  "user_agent": "Go-http-client/1.1",
  "account": "myConjurAccount",
  "username": "Dave@BotApp",
  "token_issued_at": "2024-02-12T13:58:26.000+00:00"
root@hpe-vm-ubuntu-002:~/conjur-quickstart# docker compose exec client conjur variable set -i BotApp/secretVar -v ${secretVal}
Value added
root@hpe-vm-ubuntu-002:~/conjur-quickstart# docker compose exec client conjur variable get value -i BotApp/secretVar

pluggin version 1.30

[http-nio-] path: /secrets/myConjurAccount/variable/BotApp/test error: 404 - {“error”:{“code”:“not_found”,“message”:“Variable ‘BotApp/test’ not found in account ‘myConjurAccount’”,“target”:“variable”,“details”:{“code”:“not_found”,“target”:“id”,“message”:“myConjurAccount:variable:BotApp/test”}}}

@ctaylor - Could you please let us know is there any limitations on CyberArk version?