How to make storageType "gp3" default while creating instances from Provisioning --> Instances

For AWS cloud, while creating instances from Provisiong → Instacnes, is there any way we can make “gp3” is default,

Right now, we have select list that lists “gp2”, “gp3”, “io1” and “standard”. “gp2” display as a default, but some times users will not select gp3 even though it is available in the list, so we want “gp3” display as a default. I did checked in policies and we dont have any policy related to it right now, is there any way can make that list show “gp3” as a default?

Right now to override the initial seeded options, you’ll have to modify the the display_order in the database.

  1. Connect to the MySQL Database

  2. Run the following to return the original values and document these:

select id,code,display_order from storage_volume_type where code like 'amazon%'\G;
  1. Update the display order for gp3. 0 is the first entry listed / default.
update storage_volume_type set display_order = 0 where code = 'amazon-gp3';
  1. Be sure to change the display order of your current display_order 0 item (probably amazon-gp2) to a different value.

Awesome, Thank you so Much

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Hi All

is there any way we can do this through CSS whitelabeling? if we use the DB queries, each upgrade it is going back to gp2, and we may forget to run the query… can we do this through .css script?

CSS is used for changing how HTML is displayed. While you could make it look uncheck, the value would still be set to on.