Fix: Morpheus Agent install failure during provisioning due to cloud-init CURL install failure

I recently was working with a customer who had Morpheus Agent install issues for their Red Hat VM provisions. The Agent was failing to install as cloud-init was unable to install CURL via the VM package manager. In this customer use-case, the package manager is only configured and available during post provision of the virtual machine and not during the cloud-init phase.

To fix this Agent install issue we ensured that curl was installed on the virtual image and then configured cloud-init to prevent it from attempting to install curl:

Cloud init provides the package update upgrade install module for toggling whether the package manager should update/upgrade: Module Reference — cloud-init 22.3 documentation

With curl installed on the virtual image the next step is to configure cloud-init to prevent it from installing/upgrading curl. This can be configured by providing the following Cloud-Init User Data on the virtual image settings in Morpheus:

package_update: false
package_upgrade: false

Here is an example: Screen Shot on 2022-09-02 at 15-47-32.png - Droplr

This will overwrite the “packages:” module and cloud-init will not install curl. I have left the “package_update: false” and “package_upgrade: false” commands in for completeness.




Also found we were getting this error when the platform was not set correctly on the virtual image. RHEL 9.1 was showing by default as “Linux 64-bit” and once we corrected the platform identifier it would automatically install.