Email Templates - Deliver more eligible variables and provide a better documentatio

The original delivered email templates include a description of eligible variables, that can be used to configure the email content. Unfortunately, there are too few eligible variables available and also the documentation of them within the template is not really helpful.

Please provide separate online documentation as with the other variables, and please provide all relevant eligible variables to the core email templates, i.e. “Instance Provision Complete Template”.

Example/Use case(s):
When we use the “Instance Provision Complete Template”, we struggle to find eligible variables to build the email content. Since this is one of our emails concerning customer experience, we would like to give some information within the email - such as the TCP/IP address and hostname of the server, date of creation, account name and so forth. We are using trial & error to find the eligible variables and test most of them negatively. We would like to get a better documentation and also more variables available.

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