Delete result of Execution (Task, Workflow)

When testing tasks and workflows, we often run into errors and problems and it is good to see the outputs under Provisioning → Executions or in the History of an Instance or Server. Under certain circumstances, we would like to get rid off the results of these testings to show only the correct working task/workflow and its outputs. Unfortunately, we cannot delete those results from the Execution page (or History page).

Example/Use case(s):
When testing a complex script within a workflow, we produce a lot of output under Provisioning → Execution, until we are satisfied with our script. We would like to delete this output with a button “Delete” and start over from scratch. Please provide the appropriate button an its delete function for the output.

The reasoning you cannot delete natively is this protects audit history requirements. Technically there are ways to do this in the DB, but are not recommended.

Unfortunately, this is something we would not be looking to add into the product.

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