Datadog Plugin GovCloud compatibility

Hello, first time posting to the community.

The project I’m on is interested in using the Datadog plugin which I downloaded from here:

The FQDN for the Datadog front-end in GovCloud is different from the usual FQDN. The plugin currently defaults to authenticating to:

However the GovCloud endpoint for Datadog is:

Looks like the source code is here:

Can an option be added in the plugin to toggle between these two endpoints?

Thanks for posting. A new version of the DataDog plugin has been created to add support for toggling between the public and govcloud API endpoints. Currently the JAR for the new version can be downloaded from the link below while the new version is added to the Morpheus Exchange (

The setting has been added to the plugin configuration settings section under API endpoint with the default being the public API endpoint but the govcloud endpoint is now a selectable option.

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Hi Martez,

Thank you for the update. I tested the new plugin v0.0.4 in our Morpheus Nonprod environment on version 5.4.12

I was able to upload the plugin, configured it for ddog-gov, and then I provisioned an instance, installed the datadog agent on the instance, but never saw a datadog tab for it in the instance view. So I went to the plugin, and clicked the checkbox for enable to uncheck and disable it. That’s when the plugin threw a gasket and now I cannot open the edit view for the plugin.

I just deleted the plugin, uploaded it again, clicked edit, and immediately tried to disable the plugin, and it threw a gasket.

I’ve taken a look at the scenario you’ve mentioned and I was able to reproduce the issue. A new release (v0.0.5) of the plugin is now available that changes the drop-down list to a checkbox for those that need to use the GovCloud API endpoint instead of the public endpoint. This change addresses the issue experienced with disabling the plugin.

Thank you for the quick turnaround on this. I tested v0.0.5 and no longer get the error when disabling and enabling the plugin. However, after providing the API Key and the Application Key in the configuration, I don’t appear to get any Datadog tab in the instance view. The plugin doesn’t seem to indicate if it is actually attempting to communicate with the API endpoint or even the public cloud endpoint. All I see in the logs when I enable the plugin are three INFO level logs about the c.m.p.PluginManagerService:

  1. creating plugin permissions
  2. saved new plugin permission datadog-instance-tab
  3. registering asset pipeline class loader with prefix path /plugin/datadog-tab-plugin
    When I disable the plugin I see one INFO level log for c.m.p.PluginManagerService:
  4. deleting permission datadog-instance-tab

If I check or uncheck the GovCloud endpoint I do see an INFO level log for c.m.AuditLogService

2022-12-01_22:36:41.36275 ‘’[2022-12-01 22:37:17,617] [http-nio-] INFO c.m.AuditLogService - CEF:0|MorpheusData|Morpheus|5.4.12|admin:plugins#update|plugin Updated|src= suid=2 suser=scrubbed request=http://scrubbed/admin/plugins/4 requestMethod=PUT cn1=4 cn1Label=Object ID cs1Label=Object Type cs1=plugin cn2=1 cn2Label=Account ID
2022-12-01_22:37:19.81699 ‘’[2022-12-01 22:37:32,533] [http-nio-] INFO c.m.AuditLogService - CEF:0|MorpheusData|Morpheus|5.4.12|admin:plugins#update|plugin Updated|src= suid=2 suser=scrubbed request=http://scrubbed/admin/plugins/4 requestMethod=PUT cn1=4 cn1Label=Object ID cs1Label=Object Type cs1=plugin cn2=1 cn2Label=Account ID

Ensure that the instance where the DataDog agent is installed has the designated tag defined in the plugin settings (datadog by default). If the instance does not have the appropriate tag then the tab will not show. Additionally the Morpheus group and environment can also be used to determine the visibility of the tab. One other thing to be aware of is that you may need to log out and back in before the tab is visible in some cases.