Hi Experts,
I have created App blueprints with Morpheus Type. It is 1 tier of provision vm.
From the portal, I can create this app adding Group and Cloud info. But with Morpheus API, I get “You must select a plan” error.
Do I need to specify plan?
If so, how can I set it?
curl -request POST \
--url https://$URL/api/apps \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"group": { "id": 2 }, "defaultCloud": { "id": 3 }, "blueprintId": 8, "name": "appvm02"}'
{"success":false,"msg":"App is invalid","errors":{"instances":[{"tier":"Test VM tier","index":0,"instanceErrors":{"plan":"You must select a plan"}}]}}