Click on an Instance, and send the owner a message

Click on an Instance, and send the owner a message.

Click on an Instance, and send the owner a message. Or, perhaps click the owner and then have an Action that allows you to send them a message.

Example/Use case(s):
Click on an Instance, and send the owner a message. Or, perhaps click the owner and then have an Action that allows you to send them a message.

Hey @Wittling_Mark_CCI-At . An idea of how this can be accomplished now is using an Email Task type with an Operational Workflow. You can add the inputs for text body and/or subject as well. Then for the email, use the Morpheus variable:


This would allow you to run the workflow from their instance page, input your message, and send directly from the Morpheus UI :slight_smile:

Cool. So I created the operational workflow, and the Python Task to send the email. I have the variable for the createdByEmail.
dest = morpheus[“instance”][“createdByEmail”]

What is the format to grab the input fields I added to the operational workflow? Is it something like:
subject = morpheus[“input”][“inputfieldname”]?

Will test this out as soon as I figure that out.

So even simpler than that, we have an email task type that using the smtp settings of your morpheus. You can even inject HTML formatting in it if you’d like.

Any input you create in morpheus is always in the format of either <%=customOptions.fieldName%> or morpheus[“customOptions”][“fieldName”]

I agree. The email task is more elegant! Thanks! I just tested it out and it works great!
Thanks man!

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I’m going to set this to closed in 24 hours unless there is an additional outlier to the request.

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