Change port for Morpheus Agent Installation

Hello Experts,
I’d like to know if we can change port for installing Morpheus agent.
According to this document, Morpheus use 80 for Linux and 5985 for Windows to Agent install.
Is it possible to change these ports to something different ?

443 is used for all modern OS’s back to Morpheus as a repo in linux.

If you are using cloud-init or Windows unattend, 443 is also used to curl back to Morpheus to pull the agent.

If you are pushing the agent from Morpheus SSH/WinRM are utilized.

These cannot be overridden.

Hi @cbunge ,

Is that saying, below port 80 actually is not used for Morpheus agent installation? Actually, it is using 443?

also, the port 5985 for windows will not be used as well if we are using Windows unattend for agent installation?

Thank you.

Correct, 443 to the appliance is used as a repo for Linux and for the curl actions of both windows and Linux to pull the first agent install with cloud init or unattended.

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