Add button ui


I would like to know if it is possible to add a button in the instance detail view? If so, are there any examples available?

You can add functionality on ‘Custom Instance Tabs’. These are plugins that can be built specific to your needs. Check out these links:


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Thank you very much for your guidance. I have a few more questions:

  1. Is it possible to define the order of the tabs? For example, if I add a custom tab, can I choose to display it as the second tab instead of the last one?
  2. If I add buttons to a tab, can I set them up to execute a specific task or job when clicked?
  1. By default custom tabs will be added after the default system tabs. Changing the order of the tabs would require manipulating their placement using something like JavaScript.
  2. The DataDog plugin (morpheus-datadog-instance-tab-plugin/src/main/resources/renderer/hbs/instanceTab.hbs at 9c333539d81074e6c1bebae1b5871443bf1cbf7f · martezr/morpheus-datadog-instance-tab-plugin · GitHub) is an example of a plugin that has a button in the instance tab. It is technically possible to mimic the “Run Task” button under the instance actions section so that only a specific task is executed but once again would likely require some JavaScript to fetch the desired task ID, take any necessary inputs, and finally submit the payload to trigger the task or workflow.

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Thank you for the support and the information you provided.