I wanted to know if anyone have worked with the List of manual type with DataSet such [Create, Update, Delete] which is then tag to OptionType (Input) of type Radio List with the field name as myRadioList
Requirement is to display a different OptionType of Text type base on select of each Radio Selection
Input1 (type text) to appear using the visibilityField option as config.customeOption.myRadioList(Create) upon selection of radiob buttom “Create”
Input2 (type text) to appear using the visibilityField option as config.customeOption.myRadioList(Update) upon selection of radiob buttom “Update”
Input3 (type text) to appear using the visibilityField option as config.customeOption.myRadioList(Delete) upon selection of radiob buttom “Delete”
somehow above does work for the radio but does work with normal Select List
Sure let me check something. Just for clarity, your last line mentions does work on both. I assume you meant does not work with radio but does work with select?
@achettri Trying both forms of visibility mapping it appears in my environment that only text and select lists pass. I’ve raised it internally to address to support the additional input types.
When setting visibility on an option to a radio list, use fieldName:value in both the DEPENDENT FIELD and VISIBILITY FIELD Screen Shot on 2022-04-06 at 14-27-43.png - Droplr which then triggers visibility when that value is selected in the radio list
my need is ditto to what you have replicated but only with the 2 radio option. in your case it can be escalated or critical
when escalated is select basically it to make a optionType visible of type text with label say “THIS IS TEXT FOR ESCALTED” and when critical is select another optionType with label “THIS IS TEXT FOR CRITICAL”
Would be same conifg just using 2 dependent text options with myRadioListList:critical or myRadioList:escalated in both DEPENDENT and VISIBILITY fields.
Is this for standard provisioning, task/workflow, or catalog item (instance/blueprint/workflow)?
for more reference I am attaching the snap of my catalog (workflow type) which calls a workflow and list, types within the workflow and gif to represent what is happening at the moment
Looks like Jeff was able to get it working on the traditional instance wizard only, where as you are (and I was testing) attempting to apply on the service catalog.
I believe this is still and oversight for visibility with radio buttons on the catalog and forwarded it to our engineering teams to assess.
@cbunge thank you for the update. Indeed this would help to focus on changes with the select list for now until the capability is enable for visibility on radio list as well.
just curious to know, would you be able to let me know when this fix may be seen on Morpheus once its reported?
Sure I’ll do my best to update here. We do release LTS branches roughly the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Any release notes will be posted on the docs.morpheusdata.com as well as the General category here.