Variable: ${platform} display unknow when provisioning


I’m trying to generate instances with autogenerate names based on the platform type has shown in the documentation in the pre-provision vars :

I tried this : ${tenant}S${platform == ‘windows’ ? ‘W’:‘L’}P${sequence.toString().padLeft(3,‘0’)}

For ${platform == ‘windows’ ? ‘W’:‘L’} i get always a L even if it’s windows.

I then provisioned an instance with only ${tenant}S${platform}P${sequence.toString().padLeft(3,‘0’)} with the following result : EC98unknowP004

Do you know how to resolve this ?



If you are using custom images, ensure that the OS type has been specified on the Morpheus virtual image settings. I think platform is derived from that.

It seems that if you deploy a VMware instance type and select a Windows image in the provisioning wizard, it always picks up ‘L’ regardless of the platform. Does this sound like a bug?

@dgaharwar I think the logic is working but the platform is not being read as “windows”, because it is unknown/null, so it uses the or/else case which is “L”

@Ollie_Phillips I’ve configured the image type as windows for Windows 2019 core template synced via vware.

Set the name in the catalogue to display the platform in the instance name and this is still unknow.

Check bellow

Platform needs to be interpretted off of the Node type connected to a Layout. If you use a generic cloud type provisioning (VMware, Azure, SCVMM, etc) there is no direct Node type associated with that Layout and it defaults to the else.

You must create a custom Instance Type, Layout, and Node Type for this to be decipherable.

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