Hi All
i wrote a report plugin, but i need to provide an option to add extra select boxes. do anyone of you have a smaple code to do that?
use case is: we need to provide an option to select multiple option from the drop down, since it is not possible from the one select box, i would like to proved '+" symbole next to it, so users can add the extra select box if they want to select more than one option.
i am looking for a sample code for this

@ctaylor i hope you can help me on this
@Ollie_Phillips is there any way you can help me with the sample code?
Hi @rmartha, I’m sorry I’ve no access to sample code beyond the public plugin framework. I recall I had some success with date formats in the report filter modal after stumbling over option type field-naming conventions, and I wonder if that could work for tag meta data too? The frontend is doing a lot of transformation based on option type field name (I think), so I would try use the same tag option-type name in your report plugin. But I am only guessing that this could work here I’m sorry.
@Ollie_Phillips in the public plugin frame work there is smaple code to add the '+" after the input field, i tried with different ways and no luck from my side… lets see if any one frorm inside Morpehus team can help here.