Rook Ceph CLI Access

Working through troubleshooting my Ceph environment I realized I couldn’t access directly via the CLI. I was getting the following error:

ObjectNotFound('RADOS object not found (error calling conf_read_file)')

Here are the few steps I had to do to get it working:

Install Ceph tools on a Worker Node
apt install -y ceph-common

Fix Ceph conf file
cp /var/lib/rook/rook-ceph/rook-ceph.config /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

Now you can run any of the Ceph commands you need without requiring dashboard access.

nice! fyi not super elegant but can do this from morpheus cluster control tab:

  1. Select apply template

  1. paste in rook-ceph-tools yaml from rook/toolbox.yaml at master · rook/rook · GitHub and apply

  1. can now exec ceph commands