Questions on Morpheus Distributed Worker and Morpheus Agent

  1. How does Morpheus Distributed Worker handles tasks when configured in HA mode from a single Morpheus appliance?
  2. With the Distributed worker in place, how does Morpheus Agent in a guest communicate with the remote appliance?


The worker connects to appliance. Two way comms are facilitated via Websocket.

Agents connect to worker, same Websocket approach enables two way comms between agent and worker

IP of cloud, is amended in settings to that of the worker, so that agents installed in the cloud using worker, know to connect - not back to the appliance but to the worker which will proxy comms

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Hey Ollie, thanks for your response.
My first question was more towards, how does the Worker handles tasks when there are multiple of them configured with the same API key?

Hello, you’d need a VIP to load balance the workers and use that IP on the cloud settings

Please see this documentation link :- Distributed Workers — Morpheus Docs documentation