Pricing phase enhancements

Improve handling of prices by external system

If pricing is obtained by a python task which obtains costs from an external system, this can take a few seconds to complete and update the price on the order form.

To improve this:

  • If a plan is not selected, or is changed, then show a “calculating…” placeholder prior to the script completing and prevent the form being submitted.
  • In the event of an error / invalid price, display a message (either generated by the task or from Morpheus) and prevent ordering. At the moment our script has a try/catch block and simply produces a price of £999,999.99 if the external system is unavailable.
  • Prevent going to the next page of the order screen while waiting for task to complete. At present, you can change plan and if the task takes 2-3 seconds to complete you can click Next on the order form which uses the newly-selected plan, but the originally displayed price.

Example/Use case(s):
Custom pricing generated from a Python task which obtains data from an external system. Can replicate the issue of slow pricing by a simple python task - select a plan, wait for price to appear, change the plan and go to the order summary and the new plan will be selected but with the original price:

import time
import json
import random


month_total_price = round(random.uniform(1.00, 99.99), 2)

prices = {
  'priceData': [
      'incurCharges': 'always',
      'currency': 'GBP',
      'unit': 'month',
      'cost': month_total_price,
      'price': month_total_price
      'incurCharges': 'running',
      'currency': 'GBP',
      'unit': 'month',
      'cost': 0,
      'price': 0
      'incurCharges': 'stopped',
      'currency': 'GBP',
      'unit': 'month',
      'cost': 0,
      'price': 0

print(json.dumps(prices, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))

Referencing the other post here for historical