How to add mark ups pricing for each cloud separately

We would like to show charge back and show backs for end user based on his cloud selection in catalog. Please let us know how to achieve this. How to send periodical report to end user on his consumption ?

Hi Venkat,

You can create separate prices with their own Price Adjustment.


These prices can then be added to a price set that is scoped to a particular Cloud or resource pool.


Next you can add your price set to the plans.


With the setup above you should see different prices displayed when provisioning to the different clouds that have a price set scoped to that cloud. Here is some additional info from our docs site. Plans & Pricing — Morpheus Docs documentation

As far as supplying this info, we have a number of cost reports that are built into Morpheus. You would probably want to take a look at these. These can be scheduled to run on an interval and can also be called from the api. There is also the option to build a custom report using our reports plugin. Our docs lists a number of the built in reports here. Reports — Morpheus Docs documentation

There is also the invoices in Morpheus that you can read about here. Invoices — Morpheus Docs documentation

Hope that helps to get you going in the right direction.

Hi Robert,

Can you help me in understanding on how Amazon prices are being loaded from AWS ?

How frequently pricing gets synced from AWS Cloud to Morpheus?

Do we have some API’s to add a markup of 5% for all the AWS specific plans alongside of AWS cost ?


Hi @Venkat,

The Prices should be getting pulled from the public price lists for that region. Here is a sample url for US west1 that I captured from my proxy server.

I believe its pulled once a day, but not 100 on that.

As far as API’s. We have the prices endpoint.
So you could do a get using the following endpoint to get the ids of the ones to modify.

and then use this endpoint with a put to change the markup.

I hope that helps.