Pass Dynamic parameter in source URL optionlist

Hi All,

I want to check is there any way we can pass the “https://example/api/apps/12/state” instead of 12 pass the input field value of other selection.

We need to retrieve the existing inputs data for the terraform app.

First thought was request script but your id is in the middle of the URI, so not sure. I will try test.

Unfortunately, you can not variablize the source URL.

If you would like to see this feature in a future release I would suggest you vote for Option Lists URL and Header fields should support variables

That said I’m not sure I’m seeing the use case in this scenario. Why do you need the return in an option list?

Would it not be better to make a custom option to take in an app ID and use that custom option value in a task to make the API? You could then output the return so it can be viewed or used in another task.

Okay, I think I see what you are trying to do. I’m not sure how to pull that off. Maybe someone else has an idea.