More Dynamic Input Validation of Option Types/Lists

More Dynamic Input Validation of Option Types/Lists

In extension to the other Ideas on the forum (e.g. Input Validation/Regex Cheat Sheet), I want to suggest a validation which allows us to:

  • call a external Rest API to validate Input (maybe even on a whole Catalog item level before submit)
  • allow us to run JS code to validate Input
  • any other means to inject custom and more dynamic logic to validate input more complex than a Regex

Example/Use case(s):

  • Check if the Name of an Object (which is supposed to be created with a Catalog Item already exists to avoid duplicates
  • Validate if a Customer has certain Preq. deployed to use this Catalog Item
  • Validate a certain value against a DB, e.g. check if a Cost Center is valid by checking it against a DB (via REST API)