I add a K8s cluster to Morpheus, how can I let Morpheus collect resource usage? I change the cluster to “Managed”, but it isn’t collect any resource usage.
I believe these answers are correct. I haven’t had to touch this area too much, but:
We collect cluster logs only (I believe). This is the question I’m least positive, but I don’t see pod specific logs anywhere atm in my environment.
Adding new packages to the K8s cluster you can define a K8s / Helm spec and apply top the cluster. MKS statically defines the packages it deploys with, currently without the ability to use the native UI to update/define additional packages by that means.
To get resource usage (and possibly additional logs), you must install the Morpheus agent on the cluster which is a deamonset. I do believe it relies on fluentbit and prometheus to fully collect.
@mreed may have slightly more on point answers than above.
Hello @cbunge
Thank you, and I have another question, if I add a K8s cluster to Morpheus, can I create pod/deployment in the “control” tab?
I try to add a template file but it doesn’t create any pod/deployment.
It seems can’t use yaml file apply/delete directly, I’m not sure how to control K8s cluster in Morpheus.
Hello @rmartha,
Thank you. I try to use it, but not sure about the “Spec Template” is used for… ? is it used for Kubernetes operator template?
I try to install the package but it didn’t show up on my Kubernetes cluster, this cluster is deployed by Rancher, I’m not sure if I need to change some settings or not, and the “Managed” is needed to click?
On the other hand, I want to use the Control → kubectl, but it only shows this message:
@WillyChen - Its due to from Morpheus appliance its not able to download the kubectl file. Check about the kubectl file size if it’s zero try to download and place it manually.