Enable / Disabling of Roles from Master Tenant
Can we have a feature in Master Tenant Roles, where there is enable and disable button for each role we create in that. So, if any sub tenant is created by user from master tenant, the sub tenant gets all those roles from master tenant. Here we can have a feature that whenever master tenant admin wants he can enable disable a role for a sub tenant, if he observes some kind of suspicous activities or if the role is not in use anymore.
This helps the sub tenant admin not to delete any role, from his tenant and ask rather the master tenant to disable it for any reason. Also, we observe that now if sub tenant admin wants to delete a role he can do it but again to create this same role in future, it has to be done by master tenant by disabling multitenant lock and sync it again with sub tenant, which is kind of huddle. Instead, we can have a feature in master tenant to enable and disable a role for its sub tenant use.