Does not show the cloud name

I am using cloudformation to build blueprint and thus catalog item to build AWS ALB. The ALB launches in the correct cloud but does not show up in the Provisioning->Apps view. It shows the following

Group: xxx


Blueprint: AWS ALB

Unsure if you had attachments, so it’s hard to discern what you are referring to here. The automatic admin flagged this post originally.

Note, you can create ALBs natively in the UI already (and could just have a catalog item consume the Morpheus API endpoint:

Infrastructure > Load Balancers > Add+

@cbunge Thanks for the reply. The Morpheus provided LB is not usable to us - we need custom configuration on it like http to https redirect, SSL cert etc. Therefore we are building a cloudformation blueprint/catalog. It builds in the correct account and group. The Group name shows correctly but does not show the cloud name.

Hi @Ripon_Banik a screenshot of the current state would be helpful to understand the query.


@aabraham please find the screenshot attached. Clouds shows empty.