Does Morpheus support Gen2 Hyper-V image?

Hi Expert,

My customer wants to use Gen2 Hyper-V image, does Morpheus support Gen2 Hyper-V image?

Thank you.

Yes, VHDX is supported as long as the underlying hypervisor supports it.

Thank you @cbunge for your prompt response. However it doesn’t work to me.

I created one gen2 vhdx and uploaded to Morpheus as follow:

When I used this image for VM provisioning, it is showing Gen1 at Hyerp-V side and VM can not be started up normally.

Is there anything I missed?

Thank you.

Hello @cbunge ,

Any feedback or suggestion about this?

We need to provide the workable steps for gen2 image creation to customer as soon as possible.

Really appreciate for your support.

Based on what I’m seeing from testing. VHDX works however gen 2 does not with the direct hyper-v host integration. Looks like everything is sent as gen 1. It does look like our SCVMM integration supports gen 2 so that could be an option to put in front of the hyper-v host/cluster. I would recommend creating an idea for an enhancement to add gen 2 support to the hyper-v integration.

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Hi @rboyd ,

Thank you for your message. Most of the customer will not agree to pay extra SCVMM license to integration with Morpheus, only for Gen2 VM provisioning which is native feature by Hyper-V.

This is really need to be solved out since I could see most of the customer request Gen2 VM.

Hi @cbunge , Please kindly advice here.