Disable/Turn Grey the Terraform Command Line in State Tab When Approval/Reconfigure Policies are Enabled and Request is in pending approval,

Morpheus has introduced additional functionality such as Approval, Reconfigure, and Delete policies, enhancing its capabilities.

However, I have a suggestion regarding the behavior of the Terraform command line when Approval or Reconfigure policies are enabled and approvals are in pending. Currently, users are unable to provision or apply state to Terraform apps until the request is approved. However, users still have the ability to create or apply state to Terraform apps by accessing the state tab and running the Terraform command.

My suggestion is to improve user experience by gray out or disabling the Terraform command line option in the state tab when the approval is pending. This would help ensure consistency in the application of policies and prevent unintended actions.

If grayout is not feasible, I propose disabling the Terraform command line option as an alternative solution.

Thank you for considering this enhancement to Morpheus.