We have post configuration workflow with about 20 tasks with some bash and python. The tasks include LVM resizing, repo config, OS firewall changes, email notification etc.
During 10 tasks of post configuration workflow
In some cases if one of the task failed, we want to save the error messages and state, continue next task. At the end of workflow, we can give all error message stacks.
For example our repository configuration failed, we know it’s firewall related, we save the error message, continue with LVM resizing.
The the end, we give message that VM sizing is good, but repository config failed. Can we have a way to stack message, continue task, and last task get all message out?
Example/Use case(s):
We have post configuration workflow with about 20 tasks with some bash and python. When we have none critical failure with task, we want to continue worklow.
With critical error, we want to mark the error, jump to email notification, send user the error message.