Add a option to pull file template content from a git integration


Within Morpheus, you have the option with tasks and Spec Templates to have the source be from a repository. I would like to see this expanded to File Templates.

With a “Source” option in the file template, you would be able to store file template content all in one place alongside scripts and spect templates you use in Morpheus.

Example/Use case(s):

I have a catalog item that configures HAproxy and it leverages Morpheus File Templates. I think it would be nice to have the option to store the spec template in the same repo as the code used in the configuration.



Agree, this should be an option throughout pretty much anything within Morpheus in order to maximize IaC capabilities. Not only file templates, but script templates, SCAP Packages, images, Boot Scripts, Preseed Scripts, Virtual Images, Boot Menu, Answer Files, and even Morpheus Blueprints themselves.

This would allow for all this code to follow the same DevSecOps processes while Morpheus can consume the updated versions all without the need for making updates within Morpheus by a properly privileged user via the GUI or an API call.


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I agree with Yaron; not only file templates, but also, at least, script templates.

I was just about to suggest the same thing… Here is the text I had already prepared anyway :wink:


Currently, Morpheus provides functionality for managing “file templates” and “script templates”, which are limited to local storage within the platform. This limitation means that the content for these templates cannot be sourced from external repositories in the same way that tasks can be integrated. This limitation poses significant challenges in environments that are highly regulated and require strict version control measures. The lack of an external sourcing option hinders the ability to maintain centralised version control, making compliance and operational efficiency difficult in such environments. To address this issue, it is proposed that Morpheus introduces the ability to source file and script templates from external version control systems such as Git. This enhancement would allow users to centrally manage their template versions, improving governance, traceability and collaboration across teams.

Example/Use case(s):

Consider a scenario in a highly regulated financial institution that must adhere to strict compliance standards, including thorough audit trails for any changes to infrastructure as code (IaC) scripts and configuration templates. The organization uses Morpheus to orchestrate and manage its hybrid cloud environment.

  1. Centralized Version Control Integration: The institution’s DevOps team maintains script and file templates in a Git repository, where changes undergo rigorous peer review and approval processes before being merged. This ensures that only vetted and compliant configurations are deployed.
  2. Morpheus Integration with Git: With the proposed functionality, Morpheus would be able to directly source these templates from the Git repository. When defining a new instance or application blueprint, the team can select the specific version of the file or script template directly from Git.
  3. Streamlined Operations and Compliance: This integration facilitates a seamless and automated workflow, where updates to templates are automatically available in Morpheus without manual import. It also ensures that the deployment artifacts are always in sync with the approved versions in the Git repository, supporting compliance and audit requirements.

By implementing this feature, Morpheus would significantly enhance its value proposition for organizations operating in regulated environments, fostering better compliance, operational efficiency, and developer productivity.