Virtual Image Costing

Hey, Can someone please provide any guidance on how virtual images which customer upload are charged? I have read the documentation and haven’t got a clear idea, following para is confusing me

“Virtual Image Price Plans are for setting pricing for Virtual Image storage, not for adding pricing to resources that use Virtual Images associated with Virtual Image Price Plans. Virtual Image Price Plans do not apply to uploaded Virtual Images that have not been copied to a location in the specified Cloud type yet.”

Like what does copy to a location means, like we only have a bucket option to upload an image and there is no price type for bucket so how we set these?

Any lead would be appreciated regarding this. Thankyou.

Reading that I would think it means that an uploaded image sits on Morpheus or its storage until an instance type which uses it is provisioned, at which point it is pushed to cloud that needs to provision it. So I don’t think the charging applies to your bucket, but when it is moved to the cloud or host.

I am not sure though TBH, so hopefully someone else can jump in and confirm/refute.

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@Ollie_Phillips is correct. When you “upload to Morpheus”, you do select a bucket (local, s3, NFS, etc) to initally host the template. That template is not yet placed on a cloud, and incurs $0.

When you deploy to a cloud using that template for the first time, it must clone to a storage location within that cloud (it does not directly provision from Morpheus). At this time, the virtual image would incur costs.

Example: If you chage $5 per GB of storage for a template and the temlate is 100GB. Uploading that 100GB to Morpheus == $0. When I go to provision to vCenter 1, that will clone the template into that vCenter as a template and charge $500 for the storage.

I believe if you utilize that template in vCenter 2, that will will be a new storage location within the cloud and another $500, but would have to confirm.

@Documentation maybe worth clarifying a bit in the docs page.


Noted…Thankyou for the response I will provision the vm and will analyze how pricing works