I’m trying to provision a VM using Service Catalogue where I’m making use of Option list and inputs to provide the user to select the respective network to pPreformatted text
I’ve configured the network part with custom options as below.
"version": "20.04",
"networkInterfaces": [
"primaryInterface": true,
"network": {
"id": "network-42",
"hasPool": true,
"idName": "<%=customOptions.vsphere_network%>",
"pool": {
"id": 3,
"name": "at-dtf Network Pool"
"ipMode": "static",
"showNetworkPoolLabel": false,
"showNetworkDhcpLabel": false,
"ipAddress": "<%=customOptions.vm_ipaddress%>",
"ipAddressName": "",
"displayName": ""
The other fields are able to use custom options except the Networks.
Appreciate your help.
Still i see this networks part is hardcoded and using the custom options in the wizard.