I provisioned the below Windows Instance Type (Morpheus Image) in Azure Public Cloud. Then Morpheus created a user that was defined under the user profile and I was able to access RDP with that user.
I tried to execute powershell task on that instance to install IIS which used the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet and Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet. From Morpheus portal, it says not recognized those cmdlet. I was able to use those cmdlets by using the RDP console with that username.
When I check powershell execution user from Morpheus with “whoami powershell command” it shows nt authority\system . is that reason we can’t use those cmdlets from Morpheus? or How we can do that?
And I also noticed, Morpheus defined the AzureAdmin username in the Server RPC setting. I am still not able to install IIS even though I changed the username and password in the RPC setting.
If you are seeing ntauthority\system, the script is/should be executing over the Morpheus Agent. I would have to see how your task is configured to further analyze.
Please also take a look at this RDS installation. The steps would be very similar to installing IIS.
I created automation task with the command “Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools” with resource target type and enable elevated shell.
So, I just provisioned another instance (same image) and kept the default settings of Server, RPC username is AzureAdmin and Morpheus defined the password automatically. And I executed the automation task at server level (not instance level), execution was successful, and the IIS service was installed. The PowerShell execution user was AzureAdmin.
I don’t know why the agent method was used at the instance level of execution, even though I didn’t install agent due to the Morpheus portal being inaccessible from the Azure cloud.