Is there any way to fetch only requested approval items from approvals. As I seen the API docs it is fetching the entire list from that list we need to filter the requested one each time its fetching the huge list of items. So, I want to know is there a way to hit and retrieve only requested item using API.
@Tyler_Boyd - I want the filter like needs to retrieve only requested approval items not approved one. Let’s take the example I wants to know how many approval items are not yet approved. For this I need to hit the Retrieves all Approvals Api from that response I need to filter it accordingly. But in this case every time we need to play with huge number of data avoiding this if we have the filter in the API itself will be easy.
If you’re interested in having the filter added, consider submitting an idea. Based on discussions with the team, this shouldn’t be a difficult thing to add but submitting an idea is the most effective way to influence future releases. Don’t forget to vote for your own idea!