I’m hitting an issue trying to figure role mappings via the API. This similar to Creating identity source role mappings via REST API
I did get the “roleMappingNames” object to work before, but with that being marked Deprecated I wanted to use another option that is still supported.
I’m attempting to use the UserSourceCreationObject" that says it will add/update the specified role mapping(s) without removing undefined settings, as I just literally need to add the SAML group value to the Role ID.
First thing I noticed was what I think is an error in the API docs (?) as the UserSourceCreation Object is listed as a “string” for the newKey and New Value entries, but sending two strings is returning the following in the Morpheus logs:
For input string: “umg/up.testpy”. Stacktrace follows:
'java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “umg/up.testpy”
I changed the value for the newKey to the integer value for the Role, but that fixes the 500 threw a gasket but doesn’t seem to actually do anything.
My JSON is:
payload = {
"userSource": {
"defaultAccountRole": {
"id": identity_source['defaultAccountRole']['id']
"name": identity_source['name'],
"type": identity_source['type'],
"roleMappings": {
roleId: "up.testpy"
where roleId is the value of the role, and the ID, Name, and Type fields are populated with what’s read in from a prior identity sources call, in this case:
defaultAccountRole ID: 14
name: -redacted-
type: azureSaml
I get back a 200, but I see the follow in the return JSON and the field in the Identity Source isn’t filled out as expected:
Per the API docs, the “UserSourceCreationObject” doesn’t need the a sourceRoleName, vs the “UserSourceCreationMap” that does have the sourceRoleName input.
I can use the UserSourceCreationMap instead, but this method requires reading in all existing objects, appending the new entries and sending back, and I was looking to use what seemed like the easier approach.
Can someone help me in figuring out what I’m missing?