Current date format is mm/dd/yyyy we want to change it to dd/mm/yyyy
Current date format is mm/dd/yyyy we want to change it to dd/mm/yyyy
Example/Use case(s):
we need date to be formate dd/mm/yyyy
Current date format is mm/dd/yyyy we want to change it to dd/mm/yyyy
Current date format is mm/dd/yyyy we want to change it to dd/mm/yyyy
Example/Use case(s):
we need date to be formate dd/mm/yyyy
Were you able to solve this? We would like to change this too.
I expected the date format to depend on the locale, which each user can choose in their User Settings, but this only has an effect on the displayed language, not on the date format.
Thank you
For the record: I created a support ticket about this, and got this encouraging answer. Just need to upgrade now!
This was a known issue and has been fixed in 6.2.7 & 6.3.4. Now the user has the ability to choose their Default Locale , which will automatically adjust the date format accordingly.