Calendar Input Option for Custom Reports

Hi @rmartha, no, nothing that directly illustrates, but this is a control I have set up in a report I am building. You would want OptionType.InputType.SELECT as the final line, instead, of ...TEXT and there would be other steps to configure the select options I would expect, which you can likely work out from the plugin class reference here

    // end date
    OptionType endDate = new OptionType(
        code: 'end-date',
        name: 'EndDate',
        fieldName: 'endMonth',
        fieldContext: 'config',
        fieldLabel: 'End date',
        displayOrder: 1,
        inputType: OptionType.InputType.TEXT

Incidentally, you should also check out this post - I got some surprising results based on field naming alone. I wonder if this could be a hack for your date and time picker re your original question?